Find Joy by Answering Five Questions

Written by Michael J. Lynch | Jan 24, 2025 4:37:10 PM

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I am so fortunate as a coach to work with entrepreneurs as well as marketing and sales professionals. And all of them, in various words, ask me or say to me, I simply want to feel alive and joyful as I serve the people I love serving.

So knowing that that's where a lot of people are going, I wanted to share with you five questions that come up often with most of the people I work with that you should think about yourself as you entertain either working with a coach or making radical changes to your life in the future.

1. What have you be what have you begun doing this year, we're about three weeks into it, to radically improve your life? What new changes? What new behaviors? I always like to stay on top of that. As a coach, people aren't looking to do the exact same thing this year as they did last year. This requires different behavior.

2. What limiting beliefs are keeping you from experiencing the growth that you desire? We're all affected by limiting beliefs. But what happens with that is when they come out through coaching or some other process, you begin to attack them and reduce them so they don't prevent you from the alive and joyful feeling that you want.

3. Do you have a business map? Simply meaning, where are you today? Where is it you deeply desire going to with your business? And how quickly can we get there?

4. Are you perceived as a leader in the industry that you're in? Very important. Innovation, the way you communicate, the ideas that you have.

5. And number five, how do you express gratitude to the people you love serving?

Those five questions really get to the core of a lot of the coaching work that I do that addresses the need and the desire of the people I work with to not only be successful, but to really feel alive and joyful.

Please go Click the button, secure one hour free of consultation with me. We can answer those five questions or other ones that you have. But don't don't wait. We're in January now. This is your gonna be be your best year ever, and it's time to take action.

God bless you. Have the best year ever, and can't wait to meet you.